Video & Audio Localization services for 200+ languages
6 universal languages ​​recognized by the United Nations
Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic
200+ national and regional languages, encompassing the three major language families of Asia, Euro-American, and Africa
Asiatic: Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Burmese, Indonesian, Lao, Bengali, Filipino, Malaysian, Turkish, Nepali, Hindi, Urdu, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Uyghur, Tibetan, Hmong, Mongolian, Pashto, Sinhalese, Dhivehi, Tamil, Persian, Hebrew

Euro-American: German, Portuguese, Italian, Ukrainian, Catalan, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Icelandic, Dutch, Flemish, Hungarian, Polish, Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, Montenegrin, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Georgian, Bosnian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Albanian, Latvian, Macedonian, Latin

African: Swahili, Hausa, Zulu, Malagasy, Afrikaans
The video & audio formats we can handle
We offer localization technical services for all common audio and video formats, including but not limited to:
How we do video & audio localization
Technology is used to integrate different languages into one film for barrier-free global viewing.
Multilingual transcription
(original video with subtitles)
Transcribe original video subtitles with timecodes for seamless localization preparation.
Multilingual dictation
(original video without subtitles)
Transcribe the audio portion of the original video with precision for accurate text conversion.
Multilingual transcription and translation
Translators listen to the original video audio and simultaneously translate it into written text in the target language.
Multilingual Translation
Translate the video text (script).
Monolingual and Bilingual Subtitling
Add translated monolingual or bilingual subtitles to the original video.
Multi-language dubbing
(Chinese and foreign)
For various types of videos with different needs, we match different professional voice actors for studio-quality voiceovers.
Video special effects processing
Localize video special effects text, seamlessly converting text into another language while maintaining the original style.
Video Editing and Composition Production
Address clients' editing and composition needs by combining subtitles, voiceover files, background music, and video to deliver finalized video files.
How we ensure quality in localized video & audio
Professional audio and video localization technical team

Experienced project managers

Dictation text checking by professional translators

Translation and proofreading process by translators with rich experience in video text translation

Professional voice actors for dubbing

Professional video special effects processing, editing, and synthesis personnel

LDL AVL Standard Workflow
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