What is Transcreation
Transcreation is the language reconstruction of the business core. integrating the processes of translation and creation. It combines the texture of words with business thinking, moving beyond literal translation to convey core information in other languages while maintaining the same tone, style, emotions, and essence as the original language. This approach allows the target audience to feel authentic, at ease, and receptive.
Distinguishing Between Transcreation and Translation
Translation services are suitable for literal, word-for-word translations, but when seeking to break free from the constraints of words, creative translation services are needed.
Whether it is translation or transcreation, both involve converting one language into another. However, they play different roles in addressing the language challenges faced by businesses in cross-border development.

There are typically differences in the following aspects:
Correspondence level of characters, words, and sentences
Degree of fidelity in tone, style, emotions, and essence
Traces of translation
Communication volume
Creative personnel
Translators trained in commercial copywriting thinking
Traditional translator
Application scenario
Company/brand/product naming and slogans names, titles, and slogans of transnational activities core brand and product publicity copywriting press releases, public relations statements, leadership speeches, etc. for corporate external publicity
Marketing, professional technology, finance, law
How we do transcreation
LDL TC Standard Workflow
Demand diagnosis
Requirements communication meeting
Research and finalization of the transcreation proposal
Two rounds of internal workshops to create transcreation ideas
Transcreation implementation and presentation
Bilingual document and PowerPoint format
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Our experts will contact you soon.

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